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Theater Stage

Whether you're planning a performance, concert, film screening, or conference, our stage offers the perfect setting.

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Renting the Theater Stage

Our stage isn't just a venue for theater performances; it's a versatile space that can be tailored to various events. With modern technology and a unique atmosphere imbued with Ibsen's legacy, any occasion here will be special.

We're ready to assist you in organizing your next event. Contact us today to rent our stage and become a part of Ibsen's living legacy at the IBSEN Museum & Teater!

  • Number of Seats: 147
  • Wheelchair Accessible: Yes
  • Telescopic Amphitheater
  • Sound/Sound Equipment
  • Projection Screen

For inquiries and bookings, please contact bergljot.oyrehagen.geist@norskfolkemuseum.no

  • 1/2
    Haakon Harris
  • 2/2
    Haakon Harriss
Museum24:Portal - 2024.06.11
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2