Haakon Harriss
After Suzannah Ibsen's death in 1914, his son Sigurd Ibsen gave away his father's study and bedroom to the Kristiania municipality, the reading room to the county museum in Skien and the dining room to Grimstad, where the pharmacy where Ibsen worked had become a museum in 1909.
Since Henrik and Suzannah Ibsen had been tenants in Arbins gate 1, Sigurd did not want to pay the rent for his parents' home longer than absolutely necessary.
Haakon Harriss
Sigurd had promised his parents to keep the furniture from "the red salon". The furniture from here, and most of the paintings, were taken to Villa Ibsen in Suisi near Bolzano in Italy, where Sigurd lived until his death in 1930. The interior passed out of the descendants' possession in 1968 when the place was sold to Italians. The furniture was bought back in 2002 with the help of the Ministry of Culture. The paintings are still in Villa Ibsen, but the Ibsen Museum, with the assistance of Ibsen's great-grandson, actor Joen Bille, has been granted the right of first refusal.
The mayor of Kristiania proposed to let the interiors be preserved in the apartment in Arbins gate, but the initiative came too late. The magistrate inquired with the owners about what it would cost to buy the farm. The politicians thought NOK 300,000 was too expensive. The municipality therefore deposited the furniture for the bedroom and study at the Norwegian Folk Museum. The study was rebuilt and exhibited with all original objects, while the bedroom, with Bergliot Ibsen's approval, was loaned on to Skien to be exhibited together with the library at Brekke Manor.
Haakon Harris
The road to opening to the public
When Suzannah Ibsen died in 1914, the home was dissolved and the inventory was dispersed: Kristiania municipality took over Henrik Ibsen's study and bedroom, and deposited it all at the Norwegian Folk Museum. The county museum in Skien (now: Telemark museum) received the library and the Ibsen House (now: Grimstad city museums) received the dining room. The rest of the inventory was kept by the family themselves.
Extensive work has been done to recreate Henrik Ibsen's home:
Furniture has been brought back, while floors, walls, ceilings and surfaces have been reconstructed following building archaeological investigations, supplemented by a number of historical sources. Tablecloths, curtains and portières where the textiles were marked by the time have been woven up exactly like the originals. The apartment has now been returned to Ibsen's time, with the poet's own furniture and fixtures, original colours and décor.
Thanks to financial support, goodwill from donors and lenders, meticulous efforts from the museum's professional staff and skilled craftsmen, an authentic impression of the poet's home has been created.
Haakon Harris
From office to "The National Museum Henrik Ibsen"
Ibsen's apartment in Arbins gate was used for office purposes until the foundation "Nasjonalmuseet Henrik Ibsen" was established on the initiative of actor Knut Wigert in June 1990. With a renowned Ibsen interpreter at the helm, the plans achieved great media attention.
On 27 July 1990, Oslo City Council made the following decision: "On the condition that a permanent Ibsen Museum is established in Arbinsgt. 1, the City of Oslo is prepared for Ibsen's study to be transferred to Arbinsgate. Further terms, including a satisfactory agreement on security, museum professional supervision, etc., must be negotiated before the transfer can take place."
In the autumn of 1990, several readings and performances were arranged in Ibsen's apartment. At this time, the museum had no facilities, but received furniture and monetary donations from private individuals, financial support from foundations and sponsorship funds from the business community.
On 15 April 1991, the board was reconstituted after both the City of Oslo and the University had appointed their representatives. The members were actor Knut Wigert (chairman), former Minister of Culture Lars Roar Langslet, Professor Vigdis Ystad (UiO) and Erling Skjørshammer (Oslo municipality). The foundation's finance committee consisted of former Prime Minister Jan P. Syse and Ingjald Ørbeck Sørheim. An association of friends was also formed with Tove Munch as leader. The Society of Friends organized a number of lectures and readings.
In 1992, the restoration of the apartment was initiated with civil architect Treider as project manager. A building antiquarian survey was carried out, assisted by the Directorate for Cultural Heritage. During the work, several traces of the original apartment were uncovered, but unfortunately there were no resources to pursue all the findings, and a partial return had to be settled.
IBSEN Museum & Teater
Norsk Folkemuseum
On 15 March 1993, at the request of the Ministry of Culture, the foundation and the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History entered into an agreement on the operation of the Ibsen Museum. When the agreement was signed, Minister of Culture Åse Kleveland could state that the Ministry of Culture would also cover the rent for the 5th floor of the building, which was to be used for public-oriented activities and administration.
On 4 January 1994, the museum opened its doors to the public with daily guided tours, eventually also with evening events such as lectures and performances. Ibsen Museum and Theatre is today a department of the Norwegian Folk Museum foundation.
The Ibsen family has contributed greatly to the result
Ambassador Tancred Ibsen lent and donated a large amount of personal belongings from his great-grandfather, and his cousin, actor Joen Bille, has for a number of years helped us locate and buy back original furniture.
After the museum was closed from 2019 - 2022 due to the construction of a theater stage and then lack of operating funds, a full-fledged apartment finally opened for the public in 2023.
Financial assistance: KKD, Anders Jahres Humanitære Stiftelse, Ibsen-året 2006.
- 1895-1906: Henrik Ibsen and his wife Suzannah lived in the apartment in Arbins gate where the museum is located, from 1895-1906.
- 1914: After Suzannah Ibsen's death in 1914, his son Sigurd Ibsen gave away his father's study and bedroom to Kristiania municipality, the library to the county museum in Skien and the dining room to Grimstad
- 1990: The Ibsen Museum was founded by actor Knut Wigert in June 1990. Knut Wigert took the initiative to rent the apartment, with a desire to make it accessible to the public
- 1993: The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History took over the operation in March 1993, and the study was restored, but limited funds and a lack of original objects meant that only the study received a full-fledged presentation. Since then, the Ibsen Museum has been part of the Norwegian Folk Museum.
- 2006: The Ibsen Museum underwent an extensive refurbishment and expansion for the Ibsen Year 2006, and the most important measures at the time were a comprehensive reconstruction of Ibsen's home and the establishment of the basic exhibition "Henrik Ibsen – on the contrary!". In 2006, a renovated and authentic apartment opened to the public to great Norwegian and international interest.
- 2012: The apartment building was bought by Victoria Eiendom by Christian Ringnes. This provided opportunities to expand operations.
- 2022: After 3 years of rebuilding, the theatre hall was able to open for guest performances in the spring of 2022, and Ibsen Museum & Theatre was established as a new name.
- 2023: The museum reopened in all its glory on July 1, 2023.